College with Potential for Excellence Status by the UGC
Permanently Affiliated to the University of Jammu
Recognized by the Government of J&K

Workshop on Career Skills

DATE Aug 24, 2022

    SPEAKER Mr. Pranav Gandotra Mrs. Maneka Khanna

    The College organized a workshop on Career Skills on 24th of August 2022 by Mr. Pranav Gandotra and Mrs. Mrs. Maneka Khanna for the students of UG and PG departments. The module focused on the objectives of helping student acquire career skills and fully pursue to partake in a successful career path. They were shown sample resumes and given pointers on how to prepare a good resume. Some exemplary
    resumes were provided to students to evaluate, as a small group assignment on the basis of essential components.

The students were asked to identify the errors made in resumes. The resource persons also explained the concept of SWOT analysis in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses. They described the meaning and types of interviews. Important questions generally asked in a job interview were shared with students along with the common errors people make during an interview.