It is a matter of immense pleasure that the website of MIER College of Education is being constantly revised, modified and updated from time to time to let the viewers, users and major stake holders get the latest information about the functioning of the college in different areas and aspects.
Our website has been designed to provide comprehensive information about the different programmes being offered by the college, details of the infrastructure and facilities, services provided, faculty profiles, the conduct of activities, events and achievements of the college in the field of education on regular basis. It is a dynamic website which showcases the process of admissions, examination details like notifications regarding date sheets, conduct of examination and declaration of results. Students have free access to all the information they require about admissions and examinations. Besides this, information and activities of different centres, units and committees of the college can be seen at the click of a button where the faculty and students actively participate, excel and innovate in different areas of interest and unfold their talents.
College being Autonomous has its own statutory bodies, the meetings of which are convened every year. It is mandatory to upload the details of the decisions taken in these meetings for the perusal of UGC and other bodies. The salient features of the website are direct video calls by the potential admission seekers with the admission counsellor, integration of website with Linkedin, Instagram and YouTube and chats with social website like Facebook. We would also like our website to become an important platform for our dear and illustrious Alumni who can remain in touch with their Alma mater and also contribute to its growth and development through the concept of "time to pay back". Thanks for visiting our website. "Happy Browsing"