College with Potential for Excellence Status by the UGC
Permanently Affiliated to the University of Jammu
Recognized by the Government of J&K

Orientation on Voter’s Registration

DATE Apr 24, 2024

The NSS Unit of MIER College organized an orientation session on voter’s registration for BA Honors students. The event was attended by the HODs of SOE and SSSH, the Deputy HoD, faculty and students of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities.

The program began with a warm welcome by Ms. Arzoo Sharma of B.A. English (Hons.) Semester IV, who introduced the event and highlighted the importance of voter registration in the democratic process. Her engaging introduction set the tone for the rest of the session.

The orientation was then led by Dr. Komal Sharma, who provided an informative and engaging presentation on the process of voter registration. She covered various aspects of the registration process, including the eligibility criteria, the required documents, and the online and offline registration options elaborately through a PPT. Throughout the presentation, she emphasized the importance of voting and encouraged the students to register and exercise their right to vote. She also addressed some of the common misconceptions about voter registration and provided clarification on these issues.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Unmesh Kant Shah, B.A. Political Science (Hons) Semester II. The program was ably conducted by Ms. Stuti Mahajan of B.A. Psychology (Hons) Semester IV.

The NSS Unit's orientation session on voter registration left the students with a better understanding of the registration process and a renewed sense of responsibility towards their democratic duties.

Prof. Adit Gupta, Director and Principal MIER College, appreciated the efforts of the NSS Unit in organizing the event and said that the college is committed to promoting civic engagement and participation among the students.