College with Potential for Excellence Status by the UGC
Permanently Affiliated to the University of Jammu
Recognized by the Government of J&K

Guest Lecture on Precautions and Prevention of COVID 19

DATE Oct 03, 2020

An online guest lecture on the theme “Precautions and Prevention of COVID 19" was organised for the students and the faculty members. The resource person on this occasion was Dr. Meenakshi Kotwal, District Tuberculosis Officer, Jammu. Dr. Kotwal opened her deliberations by explaining that a corona virus is a common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. She highlighted the symptoms of COVID 19 such as fever, coughing, shortness of breath, fatigue, chills, body aches, loss of smell or taste and nausea.

She said the infection is spread through respiratory droplets, the infective period is from 2-14 days and the vulnerable group includes people with medical conditions such as diabetes, chronic kidney or liver disease, obesity, children, etc. Dr. Kotwal discussed various preventative measures like cleaning of hands often using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, maintaining a safe distance of 6 feet or 2 meters, wearing a mask and by not touching eyes, nose or mouth. The guest lecture was followed by an interaction session where the students clarified their doubts.