Centre for Educational Research has been set up to bring all activities related to educational research under its ambit.The Centre publishes books and research reports from time to time. Conferences, workshops and seminars are also organized under the CER. The Research work at CER is done at three levels a) Research studies leading to Masters and Ph.D. Degrees b) Sponsored research projects and c) Institutional research projects. The CER also promotes action research at the hands of practitioners of education located at different places by encouraging them to work on their projects without dislocation.
The Centre, over the years has been successful in conceptualizing ideas, innovations and formulates them in actions. The different wings of MIER serve as laboratories to try out innovations. The valuable feedback received from these wings helps in improving upon the existing theory and practice of education. Over the years, a number of linkages have also been established by the Centre with other academic organizations both at the national and international level.
The Centre of Educational Research has also been recognised by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) as a Centre for Research which is a great honour for the institute. Under the aegis of this centre scholars can pursue the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Education and allied areas.
This centre also publishes a Journal entitled ‘MIER Journal of Educational Studies, Trends and Practices’ (MJESTP). |
Objectives |
To undertake and promote research studies, innovations and new trends in the field of education and other related areas at different levels. |
To encourage and provide facilities for research scholars to pursue research studies leading to Masters, Doctoral and Postdoctoral levels under different schemes. |
To organize training programs in research methodology, testing and evaluation, computer based data analysis techniques and other emerging areas of specialization. |
To publish books, journals and documents using print and electronic media to disseminate research findings, innovations and trends |
To organize conferences, workshops, seminars, lectures and research colloquia on important educational themes and issues. |
To establish linkages and collaborate with individuals and organizations for the promotion of educational research, innovations and experimentation. |
To form and promote professional associations, special interest groups and resource centres for educational research and improvement. |
To honour promising and eminent personalities in the field of education and research. |
To provide consultancy to institutions and practitioners of education for promoting research and quality enhancement in education |
Achievements / Activities of the Centre |
The Centre for Educational Research has been able to organise a number of activities, which have won appreciation at different levels. Some of the noteworthy achievements of the centre are as follows: |
Award to Journal (MJESTP):The journal published by the college i.e. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices (MJESTP) has been enlisted in UGC’s list of approved journals in the year 2017. The Journal is also indexed by prestigious Thomas Reuters in the list of indexed Journals. The impact factor of the journal is 5.004 during the year 2019. The Journal also received the prestigious I2OR- Editorial Excellence Award -2018 by International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR).
The institution has brought out 22 books and more than 150 research papers |
16 research projects have also been completed with the financial assistance of agencies like the University Grants Commission, National Council of Educational Research & Training, Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, Department of Education,J&K Govt. and other agencies. |
The CER has published the MIER Journal of Educational Studies, Trends and Practices (a bi-annual journal). |
The CER has conducted several international and national conferences, seminars, workshops, research colloquia and extension activities. |