The Centre for Educational Technology was established at MIER College of Education, realizing that modern information and communication technologies hold great potential for revolutionizing the process of teaching and learning at different levels of education.
The Centre for Educational Technology happens to be a catalytic platform for making information and communication technologies effective tools for educational transformation. It is devoted to integration and utilization of hardware and software related to these technologies in the areas of teaching, learning, evaluation, guidance, training, institutional management and research.
Manned by highly trained staff, the educational technology cell is enriched with all types of resources like Computer Hardware and Software, Televisions, LCD Projectors, OHP’s, Digital Cameras, and Audio Devices etc. The computer software is specially addressed to content material, instructional programs, Computer Assisted Instructions, Computer Based Teaching, audio and video lectures, movies, cable telecast, live programs and other related software which are utilized to enrich teaching and learning. The institution has also started an ambitious Electronic Classroom Project for school students through which teacher trainees learn to utilize latest technological interventions effectively for classroom teaching. A satellite downlink facility is also available for receiving the EDUSAT programme for the institution. |
Objectives |
To integrate, develop and optimize the use of information and communication technologies with the process of teaching and learning in educational institutions. |
To carry out research studies and experiments on the use of new technologies in education at different levels for improving the teaching-learning process. |
To provide training to learners, teachers and teacher educators for using ICT for enhancing their effectiveness. |
To expose teacher trainees to various ICT tools for use during practice of teaching. |
To enable students and teachers to benefit from programmes telecast through the EDUSAT and Electronic Classroom facility. |
To organize workshops, seminars and conferences to popularize the use of educational technology. |
Achievements / Activities of the Centre |
The Centre for Educational Technology has been able to organise a number of activities, which have won appreciation at different levels. Some of the noteworthy achievements of the Centre are as follows: |
MIER College has been identified as a lead college by the University of Jammu for promoting ICT usage in colleges of education; |
Introduction of ‘Educational Technology’ as an optional subject and ‘Computer Education’ as a compulsory subject at B.Ed. / M.Ed. levels; |
Implementation of ‘Electronic Classroom Project’ for enabling the teacher trainees and educators to learn and teach using latest technologies and implement multimedia techniques to enrich their classroom teaching programmes; |
Organisation of workshops and training programmes on the use of various ICT tools in education; |
Organisation of Computer Awareness Programmes for trainees and teacher educators; |
In-house publication of documents and reprographic facilities for staff and students; |
Holding of seminars and guest lectures on latest trends in educational and communication technologies; |
Setting up of Digital English Language Lab for improving communication skills of students and teachers; |
Establishment of ‘Technology Supported Classrooms’ in collaboration with M/s Educomp Solutions to make the day to day teaching learning process more interactive and effective; |
Providing SMS Services to keep parents abreast with the progress of their wards and other educational information; |
Maintaining and updating the website of the college and other institutions under the MIER group. |
CCTV installations in the college for surveillance |