Library |
The College has two fully automated spacious libraries, one each for the B.Ed. and M.Ed. programmes with latest fixtures, furniture and having a collection of over 17000 books and subscribing to around 80 Journals and Magazines. It is one of the best libraries in the region with a seating capacity for 100 students. Research papers, dissertations/thesis, bound journals (back editions) are also available for reference. The college library is also a member of DELNET for online access to books and journal.The college also has book bank facility for the needy students. |
E-Resources |
The institution through its centre for educational technology prepares and provide the teachers and learners with non-print material in the form of television (live relays, recorded programs), computer programs (digital material, mass instruction, group learning, individualized instructions, and internet), film strips, video recordings, projectors, OHP transparencies, slides, audio recordings, etc. The centre has a rich repository of 119 audio cassettes, 163 video cassettes, 75 compact discs, 41 DVD’s, 1065 8-mm slides, 39 film strips, 30 posters and more than 34,000 thousand digital learning material consisting of 2 and 3-dimentional animations and educational videos used by teacher trainees for conducting teaching practice. Other than this, the teachers have prepared nearby about 1500 OHP transparencies and 150 power point presentations covering approximately 30% of the syllabus in almost all courses of the institution. Transparencies are also available on different teaching subjects from class VI to IX, which can be used by the teacher trainees during their micro and macro teaching. |
Labs |
The MIER College of Education has various general and methods laboratories. These are: |
Two Computer Labs |
Educational Technology Lab |
Educational Psychology Lab |
Language Lab |
Science Labs (Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs) located in the experimental school complex. |
Resource Room |
The college has setup a resource room for training the B.Ed. Special Education (MR) programme trainees in the art of providing an Individualised Educational Programme (IEP) for children with disabilities. The resource room is equipped with all the materials, which will be used for enhancing the skills of teachers when dealing with children with mild mental retardation, and is an important aspect of their educational training and skill development. |
Practicing School |
A unique feature of the college is the availability of a 10+2 secondary school in its campus. The Model Academy School caters to the learning needs of over 2000 students and provides the necessary resources for conducting the teaching practice programme for teacher trainees. The trainees conduct actual classroom teaching at the secondary level, which helps them to gain valuable experience in teaching and handling school children, and enable them to develop their skills of classroom management. |